Connecting forestry and Agroforestry partnerships across Europe

Advancing innovation and best practices among Operational Groups at the EU level

Innovations collected from Operational Groups across Europe available!

Let us know how we can improve the material!

Forestry and agroforestry in EU

Around Europe, there are hundreds of Operational Groups:

small projects promoted by groups of farmers, forest managers and local communities.

They all share the same goal:

advancing innovation and good practices in forestry and agroforestry sector.

However, OGs’ results struggle in crossing national borders:

innovations and best practices tend to remain in the local environment and do not reach the European level.

FOREST4EU aims at connecting dozens of OGs around Europe

With the main aim of favouring the transfer of knowledge and best practices between forestry and agroforestry experts in 9 member states.


FOREST4EU will set up multi-actor innovation interregional transversal Hubs, dealing with 5 innovation topics:

FOREST4EU activities will lead to the implementation of:

  • Dissemination materials accessible through existing platform


  • Capacity building materials developed according to identified regional needs


  • Recommendations on how to refine regional policies, funding opportunities and CAP specific measures