Capacity building material

Discover the diverse solutions developed by Operational Groups throughout Europe. Browse our categorized library of materials, including informative articles and inspiring videos, to gain valuable insights.

ITHub 1

Wood Mobilization

Software for mobilisation and efficient use of resources involved in transportation of timber from forest to destination location

Creating your own state plan via the online portal (MojGozdar)

A system for quality assessment of forestry contractors (eGOZD)


Prefabricated modular construction system made from Normandy hardwoods


ITHub 2

Forest Adaptation to Climate Change

UAV and multispectral camera to map stressed forest area GO-SURF

The "sustainable bee forest" concept and implementation

BioClimSol: a decision support system integrating future climate and ground conditions

« Foresters it’s your turn to play »
An educational game to teach primary school children about climate change in forests

GO SURF: A Course on GIS and Remote Sensing Data for Monitoring Forest Ecosystems

ITHub 3

Sustainable forest management and ecosystem services

Quantification of Carbon Stock in Sustainable Forest Management Plan

Community forest arrangements as ideal instance for the realization of the profit- sharing model of PRIFORMAN Project

Quantification of carbon stock in sustainable forest management plan

Decisional support system for enhancing forest management efficiency

Empowering Sustainable Forest Management in the European Context:
The PRI.FOR.MAN Decision Support System

ITHub 4

Non-Wood Forest Products

Geolocation and monitoring of animals to identify possible incidents and improve the management of animals and pastures

Mobile charcoal pile prototype for biochar production in situ

Resin Data Observatory

Innovation and Technology Transfer in the Treatment of Chestnut Blight in Portugal

Business development for honey from the bee forest

Diversifying edible wild mushroom cultivation with new native species in Catalonia, Spain

ITHub 5

Agroforestry systems

Review assesses the state of the art regarding the use of livestock for ecosystem management in Mediterranean landscapes

NEWTON - NEtWork Operational Group for agroforestry in Tuscany:
criteria and indicators for the certification of the sustainable management of an agroforestry system PEFC

Development of an autonomous and digitalized feeding system for pigs of the Celtic trunk in Atlantic deciduous forests

Northern climate and apple varieties as a source for innovation

Agroforestry in the Netherlands – Integrating trees on farms.
How to get started with agroforestry in the province of North Holland?