
BBioNets is a thematic network that relies on, promotes and further advances the work carried out by EIP-AGRI Operational Groups (OGs) with respect to the management and/or processing of agricultural and forest biomass with BBTs. Its objective is to incite primary producers all over Europe to embrace and adopt BBTs that will enable them to reduce GHG emissions, make better use of underutilised biomass, create new diversified incomes, reduce costs through circular practices, increase farm/forest sustainable management, and create/develop new value chains.

The European Forest Research and Innovation Ecosystem (EUFORE) is a Horizon Europe project funded by the European Union, running from November 2022 to October 2026.
The overarching ambition of EUFORE is to greatly improve the sector’s research and innovation funding and governance structure. The project builds a sustainable, transnational, co-creative environment to define, implement and evaluate a research and innovation (R&I) agenda and roadmap for the forest-based value chains in Europe.

OptFor-EU co-develops a Decision Support System (DSS) with forest managers and other forest stakeholders, that provides them with suitable climate adaptation and mitigation options for science-based optimising forest ecosystem services (FES) (including decarbonisation) and enhancing forest resilience and its capacities to mitigate climate change across Europe.

The main purpose of EU-FarmBook is to support knowledge exchange, by further developing, expanding and maintaining an easily accessible and user-friendly EU-wide Online Platform for practitioners in the agriculture and forestry sectors. To achieve the main purpose of EU-FarmBook, there are six specific objectives:

Collect, develop, engage, communicate, exploit, network.